Hello Guys.
Our collection has been updated with the latest vb5.2.4
There are about 4 to 6 templates outdated depend on the design.
1. Header
2. Footer
3. display_contenttype_threadview_header
4. css_global
5. css_utilities
6. css_b_icon
You can now login to the old shop or new shop to download your style.
Thank you for your support.
Our collection has been updated with the latest vb5.2.4
There are about 4 to 6 templates outdated depend on the design.
1. Header
2. Footer
3. display_contenttype_threadview_header
4. css_global
5. css_utilities
6. css_b_icon
You can now login to the old shop or new shop to download your style.
Thank you for your support.