Hello world. vb4 still alive? test message test message. Any vb4 still alive?
Type: Posts; User: napy8gen
Hello world. vb4 still alive? test message test message. Any vb4 still alive?
I will release fix for double video overlapping and video overlapping texts in bbcode quote.
test video in a quote..testing video in a quote overlapping texts
test video in a quote..testing video in a quote overlapping texts
test video in a quote..testing video in a quote overlapping texts...
Yes I have mentioned that only Header 2 position available on top.
Other location, footer, thread, below navbar and all other ad location provided by vb4 you can use them but you need to use...
Hi RC211e.
Can you please provide me screenshots with the problem on samsung tablets.
I will need to know android version and what kind of samsung tablet?
I am sorry. I think vbulletin 4 do not have the ability to auto rotate pictures uploaded....
test facebook video embed
<iframe src="https://web.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.facebook.com%2Fognofficial%2Fvideos%2F734575530075747%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560"...
Hello world test poll, hello world testing poll.
hello world
Make sure the Xbox One controller is OFF when you connect it to the Drive Hub and when you connect the Drive Hub to the Xbox One.
Update the Xbox One controller with the latest firmware.
italic one
italic two
italic three
Testing 1 2 3
Hello Guys.If you still want your old style for desktop and my responsive style for mobile only.You can use this add on - I have tested it and it is working ...
The poll is now responsive. Thank you for testing and reporting Malik.
All ads location provided by vbulletin from admincp> advertising
can be used except for header 1, you can use only header 2.
Please aware that if the ad is a Google ad you need to pick responsive...
1.yes vbreputation work and all other features except for what I have stated in product page, that is the asset manager need to be disabled(howto is provided in readme.txt came with the package).
Hello Guys,
Thank you Darren for asking,
Ads are managed under adminc> advertising>
There are 3 ways to make them responsive.
1. Easiest way is to recreate your google ads in adsense and...
I will solve this bug today..
bullet 1
bullet 2
bullet 3
none italic with Italic make this Italic
this replu using basic editor in a scaled desktop browser
This reply using standard editor - advanced mode using iphone6s plus
This reply in standard editor using iphone6s plus
This reply in basic editor using iphone6s plus
You can view the page at http://sultantheme.com/vb4forum/content.php?19-Famous-Communists
If horizontal ads we can go to adsense and pick up responsive ads
How about vertical ads? That is good questions by james woo.
Vertical ads will consume a lot of height in mobile. If we put...
This instructions is for intermediate user to change our flat colors theme. Not the gradient one.
There are 6 stylevars to do for block colors.
And multiple links colors but easy to search.
Iphone 4 screen, edit post - where there are links. Url link by default is on one line. And this pushes off screen.
In our style link will break on few lines in small screen....