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This is sample blog text for responsive testing

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by , 01-31-2016 at 03:23 PM (63406 )
The cyclone is just one of the severe weather events Australia experienced during the weekend, with several weather fronts hitting the nation.

One man was killed after being swept away by floodwaters overnight in southern Queensland, state police said on Sunday. In New South Wales a mini-tornado destroyed several homes while roads were flooded and power cut in several regions.

In Tasmania, some 80 wild fires have been burning mostly in the west of the island state since lightening struck on January 13, destroying more than 72,000 hectares of bushland, including 1,000-year-old trees in World Heritage listed forests.

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  1. napy8gen's Avatar
    This is test comment
  2. rc211e's Avatar
    Now, fire crews from the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS), Parks and Wildlife and Forestry Tasmania are dealing with 80 fires in total.