Trixerium Glacier vb6


Experience the perfect blend of minimalism and elegance with our Trixerium Glacier theme, delivering a clean and contemporary design for a visually striking digital environment

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Experience the perfect blend of minimalism and elegance with our Trixerium Glacier theme, delivering a clean and contemporary design for a visually striking digital environment

Please take a look at the screenshot on your left or head up to our vb6 demo forums to see them in actions.

vb6 experience Improvement
1. This is by far the best vbulletin 5 styles in the market with major (90%)clean icons overhaul. Everywhere you will see icons have been changed with FontAwesome icons using CSS only. It loads pretty fast compared to sprite image. This also means less template edited.

2. The forums tabs are now looking great with icons. Now the forum tabs are no more looking like boring tabbed panel. These tabs is all different across pages.

3. We also provided 3 custom templates for welcome message,  footer columns, social icons in navbar. All these 3 will improve the look of your forum. Using Template Hook, these custom template are working without editing the header template or footer template which make your style very much future upgrade proof on that part. We provided a product xml that handles the template hook collection. Please read more in the installation instructions.

product - Trixerium Glacier vb6

cd custom templates - Trixerium Glacier vb6

4. The search box has been redesign with the search option drop down box is better looking and stand out.
5. Latest activity tab also better looking with space between them.
6. You will have much needed jquery Backtotop button

Mobile experience improvement.
1. We made the top bar sticky and this looks good even for smaller iphone4/5 screens
2. We improve the topic list for better space and reading.

Please edit the CUSTOM TEMPLATES for Welcome Message, Social Icons and Footer:
Admincp> Style Manager> Style Name> Edit Templates> Custom Templates> You can see all red marked custom templates on the top of the template groups for easy editing.

**You first need to upload a product add on supplied in the zip and instruction is provided in readme.txt

What is included?
Sprite and logo PSDs with permission for editing. Also included are Style XMLs and readme text instructions.

We always carry the latest version of vBulletin in our repository. THIS STYLE IS NOT FOR vB CLOUD


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