Hello Guys, now individual product is priced at USD29.99 per theme and for Combo Pack it is 44.90USD each.
For responsive vb3 and vb4, each sold for USD 59.90.
And Xenforo 1.5.x themes discontinued because this version life has ended and not supported.
Thank you for your support!
Category: vbulletin 4
vb4 shop
Hello Guys, all our vBulletin themes prices on SALE now from starting today until 9th July 2016.
- All vbulletin theme single price to USD14.90 even the higher priced one like Ardarine and Aventarius.
- ST vb3 responsive and ST vb4 responsive both are now USD49.90
- The most valuable pack, Super Pack and Pro Pack now are priced at USD34.90 each
The Sale campaign will end 9/7/2019
Thank you,
Hanafi Jamil
STvb4 Responsive updated
Hello Guys,
I have updated our vb4 Responsive with youtube video responsive fix, please read more here:
STvB4 Responsive updated
Hello Guys,
Our vb4 Responsive style pack has been updated.
Please readmore the release notes here:
STvb responsive updated – 2 fixes
Hello Guys,
I have updated my vb4 responsive theme again.
Please read more here:
ST vB4 Responsive updated
Hello Guys,
I have released an update for my vb4 responsive style.
Please readmore here. https://sultantheme.com/vb4forum/showthread.php?64-STvB4-Responsive-updated-couple-fixes-and-dbtech-donate-support&p=94#post94
Bug fixed.
Facebook Video BBCODE
You can do this for vb3 and vb4, Please readmore here: https://www.sultantheme.com/forum/showthread.php?p=216#post216
ST vB3 Responsive and ST vB4 Responsive updated
Hello Guys,
I have updated both with small fix.
For vb3 responsive announced here:
For vb4 responsive it is announced here:
Thank you for your support!
STvB4 Responsive updated with vBulletin 4.2.5
Hi Guys,
Please read more here:
ST vb4 responsive updated: Poll fix
Hello Guys.
I have released a small update for ST vb4 Responsive Style Pack.
Thank you for your support.
ST’s vbulletin 4 responsive style updated
Hello Guys.
I have release new update for my vb4 responsive style pack announced here.
Thank you for your support!
vb4 responsive style is now released
Hello Guys.
The ST vb4 Responsive style – STvb4R , is now available in our shop here:
Demo forum is here:
The style pack consist of 8 styles, 2 of them are black.
[slideshow_deploy id=’1346′]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The vb4 asset manager drag and drop file is not supported by the mobile devices. You have to disable the asset manager in the settings and the system will use it’s basic upload system that is similar to vbulletin3. How to disable it is posted here.You still can upload attachment in desktop and mobile phones because the system will use another upload form as shown as below screenshot.
Other mobile screens various styles.
Please test in your mobile first before purchasing.
Thank you.